Estimated delivery dates are listed below. Please note that containers may experience delays during transit or at the port, which could impact delivery dates.
If you don’t see the airframe you’re interested in listed, please check back later, as our container lists are updated regularly.
Extreme Flight - ETA week of 1/20 - DELAYED to week of 1/27
Extreme Flight - ETA week of 2/3 - LIST AND PREORDERS AVAILABLE 1/27
Extreme Flight - ETA week of 2/10 - LIST AND PREORDERS AVAILABLE 2/3
Extreme Flight - ETA week of 2/24 - LIST AND PREORDERS AVAILABLE 2/17
Skywing - ETA week of 2/24 - LIST AND PREORDERS AVAILABLE 2/17
Extreme Flight - ETA week of 3/10 - LIST AND PREORDERS AVAILABLE 3/3