WINGSPAN 70 in. / 1.8M
WEIGHT 9.5 - 10.5 lbs.
POWER 30-38cc Gas / XPWR 32cc
EF - 70" Extra 300 EXP V2 - Orange/Blue
The Extreme Flight 70" Extra 300 EXP was a huge hit among our customer base when it was originally released several years ago, packing an amazing amount of performance into an easy to transport, affordable airframe. We thought it was high time to bring it up to the modern specifications of our other 30cc aircraft.
The performance capability of the Extreme Flight RC Extra 300 EXP v2 is phenomenal! This sleek, fast and agile airframe is completely unlimited in its ability to perform the full range of full stall high alpha maneuvers and aggressive gyroscopic tumbling maneuvers. The Extra is also a top notch precision and XA aerobatic machine.
As such the 70" Extra 300 EXP V2 now shares the ultra lightweight and rugged laminated composite construction of our other current airframes and the 2 mini servos previously used for elevator actuation on the V1 version have been replaced with a single high torque standard size metal gear servo, making set up even easier. The V2 version also features the self aligning stab feature that has become so popular on our recent releases.