WINGSPAN 85 in. / 2.2M
WEIGHT 16-17 lbs.
POWER 50-61cc Gas / XPWR 60cc
EF - 85" Edge 540T - Blue/Yellow
Maximum 3D performance in a 50-60cc package, that's the Extreme Flight Edge 540T. Equally good on electric or gas, the 85" Edge is light, strong and has presence in the air. The 85" Edge is light enough to give great performance on 50-55cc gas engines, or use 60-61cc for extreme vertical acceleration. If you want even more thrust, go electric with the XPWR 60cc system.
The 85" Edge arrives to you highly prefabricated, with pre-hinged and gap-sealed surfaces. All competition-grade hardware is included and your Extra is covered in genuine Ultracote. Carbon wing tube, carbon stab tube, carbon wing spars, carbon fuse longerons, and carbon and glass reinforced formers and trays - all of this adds up to the lightest and strongest construction on the market.
Quick assembly wing, stab, and canopy latches mean ultra-quick setup for maximum flight time at the field.