WINGSPAN 104 in. / 2.6 M
WEIGHT 27 - 29 lbs.
POWER 120 - 123cc gas
EF - 104" Edge 540T - Blue/Yellow
The Extreme Flight 104" Edge 540T is the do-it-all aerobatic giant scale Edge you’ve been waiting for. It’s a friendly 3D aircraft that is eeeeasy to get low and cut up with, with a lightweight feel and no-surprises handling. It has the famous Edge post-stall manners which mean you’ll be getting low and feeling confident with it from the first flight. Add this to the latest Extreme Flight freestyle aerodynamic package and you have a monster on your hands.
Like our famous Extra 300, Extra NG, and Laser 35% aircraft, the Edge 540T is cutting edge for strength, weight, and performance. Powered with any of the current generation of 120cc engines, it’s an experience you won’t forget. The 104" Edge 540T arrives to you highly prefabricated, with pre-hinged and gap-sealed surfaces. All competition-grade hardware is included and your edge is covered in genuine Ultracote. Double carbon wing tubes, double carbon stab tubes, carbon wing spars, carbon fuse longerons, and carbon and glass reinforced formers and trays - all of this adds up to the lightest and strongest construction on the market. Throw any of the latest XA maneuvers at the Edge, it’s ready.
Featuring all of the latest updates including our newest CNC machined quick attachment wing, stab and canopy locking mechanisms.