WINGSPAN 73 in. / 1.9M
WEIGHT 10-11 lbs.
POWER XPWR 32cc / Various F3a systems
EF - 2M Vanquish - Green/Blue/White
The legendary Extreme Flight Vanquish remains one of the most respected choices in an affordable wood structure 2 Meter pattern plane.
If you are looking to get involved in the exciting world of precision aerobatics, the Vanquish is the ideal aircraft to get you started and is more than capable of winning as you progress into the higher classes.
The 2 meter Vanquish is a built up balsa and plywood aircraft with an integrated fiberglass cowl. It is available in two Ultracote color schemes and features carbon fiber wing and stab tubes and an airfoiled carbon fiber main gear set. A spring loaded hatch latch retains the canopy and allows for quick access to your batteries and the interior of the aircraft.
Power system:
The recommended power system for the Vanquish is the XPWR 32cc briushless motor with Castle 80-120A HV controller using Firmware 4.22 only.
For competition training, we recommend the typical 10s 5000mah F3a battery setup and a 21" F3a prop.
For sport flying, 12S lipo is more common, on 18x10 or 19x10 prop.
The Vanquish can also use various F3a-specific power systems, depending on configuration custom work may be required for mounting.
The Vanquish requires 2 mini servos for the elevator halves and standard size servos for the remaining surfaces.
Qty. 2 Extreme Flight 20 awg 3 inch (Rx to wing root)
Qty. 2 Extreme Flight 20 awg 6 inch (wing root to Aileron servo)
Qty. 1 Extreme Flight 20 AWG 24 inch for ESC
Qty. 2 Extreme Flight 20 AWG 48 inch for Elevators